Learn a language. Minus the boring stuff.
The Kansas State Library provides Mango Services for anyone wanting to learn another language! Over 40 foreign languages to explore. Over 15 ESL courses taught in patron’s native language. Learn anytime and anywhere with remote access through our website. Click on the image above to get started!
 Learn a language in your living room!
The library offers a wide variety of learning opportunities for all ages that work with an assortment of technology platforms. This means you can access these resources wherever you are with your computer or smart device!Â
A great resource for learning languages provided by the library is Mango Languages. By accessing this free service through your library, you can learn more than 60 languages any time of the day on any device. Mango is open 24/7 with limitless access. You can work through the lessons at your own pace and on your own time.
Mango also provides an app for both iOS and Android devices. Search your app store for Mango Languages for Libraries and install the app. I f you have already connected to our library website and created an account with Mango, you can then log in to the app and begin learning languages!